

Date: Tuesday, November 28th  |  Time: 9am ET


Basic Portuguese For Travelers


What you’ll learn:

  • The groundwork you need to start learning Portuguese
  • The major differences between Portuguese in Brazil and Portugal
  • The most useful Portuguese phrases and words


Allan Formigoni
"I am a Brazilian (and native Portuguese speaker) living in Lisbon, Portugal, and I am passionate about traveling and experiencing different cultures, languages and local customs. I'm also a marketing manager at WeTravel."

Date: Tuesday, November 28th  |  Time: 3:30pm ET


Gourmet Chipa Cooking Class



Learn how to make chipa, an Argentinian cheese bread that’s a local favorite with my tried and tested recipe.



Alexis Le Bourgeois Guillemot
"I’ve loved eating and cooking for as long as I can remember! Chipa is one of my specialties - you don’t want to miss out on trying these soft cheesy bread rolls!"


Date: Wednesday, November 29th  |  Time: 10:30am ET


Knot Your Ordinary Leaves: Creating The Perfect Macramé Leaf



Learn how to craft stunning handmade macramé leaves. Whether you want to incorporate them into larger compositions, showcase them individually, make unique jewelry pieces, or craft charming keychains, I'll guide you through the process of shaping your leaf and adding those perfect finishing touches.



Isabel Espinoza
"Before I decided to dedicate myself to marketing, I grew up observing the women in my family craft beautiful handmade creations, I learned the art of embroidery, knitting, and macramé from a young age. There's a special joy in creating something beautiful with your own hands, and I'm eager to share this sense of fulfillment with you."


Date: Wednesday, November 29th  |  Time: 12pm ET


Arabic for Beginners: Alphabet, Calligraphy and Useful Phrases



Salaam! We’re on a mission to introduce Arabic to those of you who have no or little introduction to the language – including the alphabet, calligraphy, useful phrases, and more. Bring yourself and an open mind. Optional: a pen or calligraphy pen if you’d like to work on writing.



Jen Corley & Soumaya Bellal
"As WeTravel’s first product marketing manager, Jen (she/her) has worked in the travel industry for 7+ years. She's also a certified yoga teacher, holds an MA in Islamic Studies from Stanford University, has traveled to more than 50 countries, and is an enthusiastic polyglot. 

Soumaya is a go-getting Account Executive from Morocco. When she’s not crafting killer deals, you might spot her on leisurely strolls, gliding through the pool, or swimming on the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. She speaks 5 languages and possesses a culinary prowess that rivals even Gordon Ramsey (only when he was 5 years old though!)"


Date: Wednesday, November 29th  |  Time: 4pm ET


The Long-Lost Millennial Art of Making Brownies 



Join this step-by-step class and learn how to make very simple brownies to enjoy with family and friends.



Andres Sandoval
"My name is Andrés, but you can call me Panda - my nickname since I was 14 years old. I’ve always loved to cook and eat, as I grew up with amazing cooks such as my grandma and mom. My mom in particular is the master of desserts. During the pandemic, I lost my job, so I asked my mom to teach me the long-lost art of brownie making, and they were a hit! I don’t know what I am doing working here… anyways, come join this Panda who forgot about bamboo and loves a lot of chocolate!"


Date: Wednesday, November 29th  |  Time: 5pm ET


Let's Ceviche Together! 



MasterChefs Caro and Adri are bringing to your table the secrets of their Ecuadorian abuelitas in the art of making a good Ecuadorian ceviche. Learn about this delicious dish, the differences with Peruvian ceviche, and some gastronomical curiosities of their country, in this finger-licking class to share with your family! 



Adriana Navarrete & Carolina Witt
"Caro and Adri are two big Ecuadorian foodies, renowned chefs between the walls of their homes, who are also part of our WeTravel Sales and PayOps Team respectively."


Date: Thursday, November 30th  |  Time: 12pm ET


How to Give a Compelling Presentation 



When we think about speaking in public or giving a presentation, there are only two options: you're excited or you're nervous. It's actually: the same thing! What makes a world of difference is the topic you're presenting and your affinity to it. In this session, we will discover the power of knowledge and learn how to harness it to give a great presentation, every time. 



Tibet Montaño Murillo
"Lawyer, Sales Professional, and Talent Nurturer for over 8 years in the Education Industry. Having learned how to master public speaking for my profession and then take it to the next level when delivering a message to crowds and potential buyers, I'm ready to share my tips!"


Date: Thursday, November 30th  |  Time: 2pm ET


Latin American History in 3 Drinks! A Cocktail Making Class 



In this short but sweet class, you’ll learn interesting facts about Latin American history, how these famous drinks came to life, and the impact they had on society. And of course, learn to make them to impress your friends at home! 



Adriana Navarrete
"I am a PayOps Specialist by day, and a history buff also by day because I go to bed at 8 PM. Let’s learn about Latin America’s history together, while making delicious traditional cocktails from the region. Rest assured you’ll love it (and the cocktails will possibly help with that!)"




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